We see how LGBT people are being made into the same kind of scarecrow in Russia that the Nazis made of Jews. What does this mean for Belarusians?
The “international LGBT movement” has been recognized as extremist in Russia nowadays.
Although there is no “international LGBT movement” at all. This situation shows the political objectives and tactics of Putin’s Russia at the current moment. The Nazis fought “against the world Jewish conspiracy” (which did not exist) and for “racial purity” (which is both impossible and meaningless) in order to bring the society to hysteria, due to which they hoped to both strengthen their control over people and destroy any, even potential, opponents and any counterweights to their regime, and implement their imperialist plans for the redivision of Europe and the world in their favor.
“Punch the Jews, save Russia,” the reactionary Black Hundreds shouted a hundred years ago (and they saved the hell out of it).
“Beat the zmagars (derogatory for Belarusian democratic activists – note by Gaypress), save Russia,” “Beat the fagots, save Russia,” shout today’s demoniacs and cliques.
Why do you need to save Russia if you are not Russians, but Belarusians?
The spiral of incited hatred towards gay and lesbian people will lead to their mass exodus from Russia. Well, the countries that accept them will be enriched intellectually and economically, just as the countries that accepted the persecuted Jews in the twentieth century were enriched in the past.
Lukashenka turned Belarus into a satellite of Russia — such were Mussolini’s Italy, Tiso’s Slovakia, Antonescu’s Romania or Horthy’s Hungary during Hitler’s times. They tried to maneuver but had little room to do so. They sought to defend some interests of their country, or rather its leadership — but not all of them and not always could do that. Not all of them were eager to fight on the side of Germany — but they could not get out and limit themselves to the supply of raw materials and permission to station troops and stations on their territory every now and then. Not all of them were eager to introduce anti-Semitic laws, but at some point, they were given no choice.
A similar logic can be traced in Lukashenka’s attitude towards LGBT people (as well as his attempt to conquer Ukraine). For him, gay people are either “the ultimate abomination” or “golden people, if only everyone could work like them.” After all, he understands their “economic” value, just as Admiral Horthy understood the value of Jews for the Hungarian economy. However, the propaganda discourse leaves no doubt: the Kremlin’s orders will be obeyed…
The economically unsuccessful, politically unfree, morally degraded regimes of Putin and Lukashenka cannot offer a person either wealth, freedom, dignity, or spiritual greatness. Therefore, they suggest that the folks should be afraid of gay people, hate gay people, oppress gay people, assert themselves at the expense of gay people — just as the Nazis taught to hate Jews, fear Jews and pushed both their own and enslaved peoples to oppress and attack Jews, and gave the “Dirlewangers” the opportunity to assert themselves and self-exalt.
This situation only strengthens our moral imperative to treat LGBT people as equals. They are part of our society, part of the Belarusian nation, one of us.
Source: nashaniva.com