‘Under the blanket with a politician’ – GayPress presents a special project

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We constantly hear from the Belarusian opposition that they stand for democratic values. Politicians demonstrate tolerance towards LGBT-community and promise to support gays’ rights when they come to power. Is it really so? A famous journalist Liubou Luniova has talked to the opposition parties’ leaders on the ‘embarrassing topic’. A selection of interviews, showing ‘who is who’, makes up the special project ‘Under the blanket with a politician’.


What do leaders of different political parties think of gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people? Do they really accept “another” sexuality and lifestyle? What’s going to happen to the ‘wrong’ Belarusians if some opposition leader comes to power?

A famous Belarusian journalist Liubou Luniova put these ‘embarrassing’ questions to some ‘pro-democratic’ Belarusian politicians. These conversations show the true face of the political leaders. Now we know their true, not official, attitude to the representatives of LGBT-community.

The list of interviewees within the project includes the leader of Belarusian Popular Front (BPF) Aliaksey Yanukevich, the leader of Belarusian Christian Democracy (BChD) Vital Rymasheuski, the ‘Young Front’ leader Zmitser Dashkevich, the chairman of the United Civic Party of Belarus (UCP) Anatol Liabedzka, the chairman of “The Fair World” party Siarhey Kaliakin and others.